If you find a bug in the latest version of Amster, please
report it. Before doing so, please
check the CHANGES file
to make sure the bug is not already fixed. When reporting a bug, include the
following information (please be precise):
- System and Amster configuration. Which TCP/IP stack is used, etc.
- Version information: Amster, OS, MUI, Lamp.mcc, NList.mcc, etc.
- Relevant info from the debug window.
- In case of problems when transfering files: Make a /whois on the
other user to see which client he/she is using.
- Did you have the problem with older versions of Amster? In which
version did the problem appear first?
- What did you do when the bug occured?
- In case of crash problems: If possible, run SegTracker and
Please do all you can to reproduce the problem. Non-reproducable bugs are
very hard to fix! Even worse is a random crash bug when Enforcer is not
running. This could be caused by anything, even other applications
trashing memory. If you manage to reproduce the bug, try to see if
changing different configuration options changes the behaviour of the bug
or makes it disappear.
Known bugs in Amster v0.8a
- Enforcer hits when trying to download from oneself when having two Amsters running.
- When using the ARexx SEARCH and WHOIS commands: If the server for some reason do not reply the requests, Amster will hang.
- 4 GB limit for library (only cosmetic).
- No full VBR (variable bit rate) support in library, resulting in possibly strange calculated values.
- Doesn't return more than 100 results no matter what "Max." is set to: Server bug.
Submit bug report