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HexView is a small command line utility that outputs binary files as hex dumps, just like the well known command "Type" for AmigaOS, using the argument "HEX". "Why would I need this, when I already have 'Type'?", I hear you ask. You wouldn't! Not as long as you are in sitting in front of your beloved Amiga. But in the archive you'll find executables for Linux/i586 and Windows 95/98/NT/2000, along with source code for the utility, just waiting for you to compile it on any other platform. Enjoy! Click here to download the archive (27 kB).

Example output

HexView 1.2, Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Jacob Laursen.
0000: 000003F3 00000000 00000002 00000000    ...ó............
0010: 00000001 0000095F 00000113 000003E9    ......._.......é
0020: 0000095F 48E77EFE 24482400 49F90000    ..._Hç~þ$H$.Iù..
0030: 00002C78 000447F9 00000398 7200203C    ..,x..Gù....r. <
0040: 0000002D 600226C1 51C8FFFC 294F03D0    ...-`.&ÁQÈÿü)O.Ð
0050: 294E03A0 266E0114 202B00AC 670CE588    )N. &n.. +.¬g.å.
0060: 20402028 0034E588 6006200F 90AB003A     @ (.4å.`. ..«.: